
Create your own blog with Hexo and Github Pages

Set up local development environment on MacOS

Install Node.js

Hexo is based on Node.js which can be installed here. It comes with npm, once the installation is done, run the following commands to make sure it is installed successfully

node -v
npm -v

Install Git

Follow the steps to install Git on your machine and verify by running

git --version
git version 2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)

Install Hexo

Hexo can be installed from npm

sudo npm install -g hexo

Create your personal blog folder, cd into it. And run the following command to initialze and install all required packages

hexo init
sudo npm install

Once it is done, run

hexo generate
hexo server

hexo generate or hexo g will generate all static files, and hexo server or hexo s starts a local server and you can navigate to http://localhost:4000 in browser to see your blog. Once the local server is started, hexo will watch for file updates automatically, so you don’t need to restart the server, simply refreshing the page and you will see the changes.

Create a Github Pages project

What is Github Pages? According to the official website:

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service designed to host your personal, organization, or project pages directly from a GitHub repository

As stated above, GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service, which means it doesn’t support server side programming. But it is good enough for building a personal blog, people may want to add some cool dynamic website features, which won’t be a problem. Hexo and different thirdparty tools can help us with it, we will talk about it later.
To use Github Pages, we need to create and configure our github account, we won’t dive deep into this part, there are a lot of related resouces can be easily googled. Once the Github account is set up, create a repository named as <username>.github.io.

This can be easily done by modifying the config file. To do that, cd into you blog folder and open _config.yml with whatever text editor you like, and adding the following deploy configration to the file

type: git
repository: https://github.com/<username>/<username>.github.io.git
branch: master

To deploy on server, we need to install git deployer by

npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

then run

hexo deploy


hexo d

to deploy your project. Every time after you make some changes, you can follow the workflow above to view your changes locally then deploy. If you can’t see the changes after depolyment, you can run

hexo clean

to clean the cached and generated files.

Select a Theme

Hexo has a variety of themes you can select from the offical website. This blog is powered by NexT. To install it, cd into your blog folder and run

git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next

This will clone the NexT project to your local repository. To enable the new theme, open _config.yml, under theme, change landscape to next and deploy it.

The next article will discuss about theme configuration and third party integration tools.